Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How Do Laser Printers Work?

It is one of those things that most of us really dont think about. How does a laser printer work? Well, you click print?and it works, right? For most of us that is all we need to know or would care to know. But, in reality, it is something you should an understanding of if you are going to be buying a laser printer for the office network or shelling out a decent amount of cash.

Chemistry isnt that bad

Most people have horror stories about chemistry class, me included. But when it comes to figuring out how a laser printer and chemistry work together it is not all that bad. Whether it is a HP, Epson, Cannon or Dell laser printer it works the same way, positive charges and negative charges. The old saying actually applies, opposites attract.

Getting charged

Within the laser printer there is a drum that slowly turns. As it turns it is given a charge by a wire (charge corona wire) or, in some cases, another roller. After the drum is charged the printer shoots a laser at the surface of the drum discharging the drum in certain places. These places end up looking like letters and numbers on the drum.

To get these discharged letters and number shapes off the drum and onto a piece of paper the laser printer covers the discharged shapes with charged toner. It then hooks them up with an oppositely charged piece of paper. As makes sense the toner is attracted to the paper and there it is, toner on paper. If you have ever changed a toner cartridge you can attest that the stuff loves to attach itself to just about anything. The process so far just makes the toner attach itself in an ordered fashion or letter and numbers.

Getting toned

The process is just about complete at the most basic level. What needs to happen to finish off the process is for the toner to be fused into the paper permanently. To accomplish this the laser printer rolls the paper by a heat roller to melt the toner into the fibers of the paper. As the laser printer does this it real eases the charge with yet another roller.

Ultimately, when the process is in synch there is no muss and no mess. But everything needs to be timed just right. In the end, there is a warm static free piece of paper with all the words fit and unfit to print.

James Kara Murat from, the contributor of How Printer Works?. A longer version is located at How do Laser Printers Work?, and related resources can be found at Samsung CLP-510 Laser Printer.

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Broadband - Crackdown On Illegal Downloads

Since the introduction of file-sharing and peer-to-peer networking, there have been constantly reported high profile legal struggles between the music industry and internet providers.

And now internet providers face potential changes to procedure due to a government green paper which would require them to take action over users who access pirated material.

It is estimated that around six million UK broadband users downloaded files illegally last year, with music and film industries claiming that such practices cost billions of pounds in lost revenue.

And with the government coming under increased pressure from those in the music and film industries to penalise piracy, users could find themselves paying the price for free downloads.

Negotiations between some of the biggest ISPs and some of Hollywood's biggest studios regarding a voluntary scheme for policing illegal downloads have been in progress for several years, however no deal has yet been reached.

Users suspected of illegally downloading music and films face the prospect of a 'three strikes and you're out' system, which could ultimately lead to the disconnection of their broadband service if no steps are taken to cease illegal activity.

However there is growing concern about how disputed allegations would be policed. With an increasing number of cases of 'piggybacking' and 'wi-fi hijacking' as the numbers of wireless broadband networks around the UK continues to grow, there could be difficulties in determining blame in some cases.

The green paper also outlines plans for schemes that would promote creative arts in the UK in a bid to encourage children to visit galleries and museums, attend theatre productions and take up study of a musical instrument.

Looking for better broadband? Perform a broadband speed test and compare broadband providers to find a deal that suits you.

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